The US and Britain – the most corrupt countries in the world
This week British Prime Minister David Cameron has told the English Queen that the leaders of the two "fantastically corrupt" countries...

Kiev against the "BBC": how Ukraine responded to the movie on MH-17
In early may, British broadcaster the BBC, has shown the world a documentary film, which tells about the fate of the passenger Boeing-777...

Pentagon invented the "Russian threat" as to not lose government money
High-ranking military officials in the United States deliberately hype the "Russian threat" in order to increase the defense budget of...

The IMF serves up more Project Fear – and it’s working
Another day, another warning about the economic bombshell which would follow Brexit. This time it’s the turn of the IMF. In a press...

British journalist Neil Clark: What if Russia behaved like the US?
Famous British columnist and blogger Neil Clark in his article presented a world in which familiar and seemingly normal recent political...

US missile defense in Europe will not undermine strategic potential of Russia
Stubborn Americans outraged reaction to the deployment of the Alliance of elements of a missile defense system in Europe. The concern of...

Immortal Russian regiment that changed the world for the better !! ...
"Immortal regiment" occupied Western Europe and crossed the ocean Geopolitics Ideology and patriotism, Russia and the West A lot, for a...

Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception – Part I
“The Ivy League bourgeoisie who sit at the helm of the non-profit industrial complex will one day be known simply as charismatic...

Odessa Celebrated Victory Day on May 9th
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ 9th May, 2016 The celebration of Victory Day in Odessa passed without incident. Odessans...

Victory day parade on red square
This year the ceremony was attended by over 10 thousand troops, 135 military vehicles, 70 aircraft and helicopters. The parade was...