Why the mayor of London, born in new York and until recently had U.S. citizenship, criticized the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama? Who in England wants to leave the EU and why?
Here we must understand that Boris Johnson had and great-grandfather and grandfather in the service of the administration of Turkey, because he belongs to the category of "new English" that has Turkish roots. Turkey wants in the EU since 1959, i.e. two years after the creation of the EU. But she was asked to wait. Why the US is begging Britain not to leave EU? So easier to manage. But Britain today is a criminal lobby from around the world where billionaires from Russia occupy the last place. What are they afraid of? That England will lose permanently their independence, and the time will come when the crimes committed in our country, "the London Wanderers" have yet to answer. And to answer you do not want. Why the torn Turkey in the EU? She expects to gain legal leadership, because de facto today Provides Europe with their problems, bargaining certain preferences for himself. Already today in Europe the main steps is developing Islamization, and more active than in Turkey itself, where many prefer to see the country with secular traditions.
Today Turkey, using the fact that in Europe not so many specialists in the field of Turkic languages, has taken on the role of adopting the same of Pakistanis, immigrants from other countries under the guise of the Turkish citizens. Why the mayor decided to speak out against the views of Barack Obama? Because today's London political elite consisting of international crime, tenaciously gripping Scotland in a hard collar, wants to return to Russia, which will be turned into an apartheid regime. The challenge of today's London to pit the US and Russia, then the EU and Russia, but to stay out of the fight. Why share with other European countries when the international crime in Britain, hoping on holding secession in modern Russia, prefers to return our country to the times of the conquests of Batu? "Leading" domestic economists this idea is actively supported, saying that already and today introduced the terminology – Ministry of economy of the Arkhangelsk region, or the Stavropol Duma, when changing only the name, instead of "the field" saying – "Republic", administrative did not change. In each region the most desirable person is considered "long-awaited investor". The word investor means invader. The case remained for small. To destroy the army and enter the municipal police. And the days of princely fragmentation will occur. Moreover, the media of the state Duma constantly imagine how useless the authority, and officials of the plutocrats. Britain and USA wants to destroy for fifty independent States, which actively supported the "London Wanderers".
Conservatives can't forgive Barack Obama's appointment of Loretta Elizabeth Lynch for the position of attorney General, refused in U.S. courts to consider a Lawsuit swindler, who hoped to get $ 50 billion from the Russian Federation. U.S. attorney General listened to the arguments of "outage" that had been made, and found that the Tax crime of fraud is a huge crime. Now "tightened up" funding for those who were going to blow from the face of this cheater in the upcoming elections. True, and the hidden adepts, but? But they now began to experience some difficulties. Britain has become accustomed, just in case, everything is done by proxy. In Hannover were able to conduct a paid campaign against the US policy, but remained only hope is to continue to Rob with impunity the Russian Federation, strengthening the position of crime. But here in connection with the creation of the National guard, the robbery of freedom is sharply restricted. Remained so far the only loophole – budget supply NCO, although there looms a change of printoperator. And now Britain has decided to master the lasso, which was successfully tested in the early twentieth century. It comes to Concession agreements and PPP (Public Private partnership). About these two Adakah prepared for the Russian economy, will be discussed separately next time. Ukraine was considered an associate member of the EU even though the last failed referendum in the Netherlands. Ukrainian black soil has long been chosen in Britain. There are other causes of delay in the Ukraine in the European "Paradise", where Britain is in a hurry to run away without regard to their former neighbors in the Commonwealth.
Romanowska Nadezhda Yakovlevna