11 dead, 2 missing in Norway chopper crash
Eleven people have been killed and two are presumed dead after a helicopter taking people to a Norwegian oil rig crash crashed into the...

Ukraine, the United States, France and the UK rejected the proposed document The UN Security Council has failed to agree on a draft...

Oil and gas for rubles only
The strategic goal of the Russian Federation in the middle East, among other things, this is through the collapse of the oil monarchies...

Britain deals blow to US: the European Union – a project of the CIA
The British press currently holds a powerful anti-American campaign. Apparently, the British elite wants to regain the lost sovereignty....

The loss of MH17: what is actually said in the film BBC
3 may BBC will be aired on the telecast from the series "conspiracy Theory" (Conspiracy Files), devoted to the investigation of the...

BBC Claims MH17 Was Shot Down By Ukrainian Fighter Jet
A new BBC documentary has claimed that Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 may have been shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet -and not as a...

The EU has become a victim of Obama’s Failed Middle East policy
THE SPECTATOR'S NOTES An object lesson in PR from David Cameron and Justin Welby Also in The Spectator’s Notes: Obama’s policy on the...

The mayor of London considers the hypocritical behavior of the Obama
London mayor Boris Johnson believes that some actions of the American President can be qualified as "blatant hypocrisy". This term...

Why are US Senators more worried about foreign affairs the domestic ones?
A member of the U.S. Senate from Idaho James Risch said in an interview with Voice of America that the sanctions against Russia must be...

Wake Up Ukraine: The EU and the US Will Make Slaves of You All
The Western media response to Ukrainian PM Yatsenyuk's resignation is laughable. We're supposed to be amazed at the 'revelation' that the...